Togetherness, separateness, spontaneity, predictability, and more...

The ebb and flow of connection and conflict in relationships is natural, but hard for many of us to navigate.  How do we resolve our differences without losing it or distancing? Many of us are not taught how to “do” relationships.

In couple therapy, I will actively support you to create a safe space, to slow down & hear one another. I will guide sessions respectfully so that new ways of understanding and communicating become accessible to you.

From there, we will identify the important needs that underly your negative interactions.  What’s the meaning under the reactivity or the shut-down? I work on many levels to understand the true nature of a conflict pattern. Thoughts, emotions, behaviors, perceptions and personal histories… All are important to understanding what’s happening, creating new behaviors and improving your connection.

In your eyes, the light, the heat, I am complete. — Peter Gabriel